Solace in the suburbs

Seeking Solace in the Suburbs


Solace in the Suburbs


Escaping the hectic pace and what, at times, can feel like “the never ending to do lists” of life, I treasure opportunities to escape and just “be”.  It is no secret that I am always on the look out for a restful place where I can get lost in a book, enjoy a cup of coffee, or even journal if time allows.  Being alone in nature also is a favorite past time.  Learning that I was moving to Atlanta several years ago, the thought of finding “solace” seemed like it might be next to impossible in such a large and bustling center of global commerce.  Being one who does not like to claim defeat, I decided to set off and see what I could find in this uncharted metropolis.

Quite surprisingly, the more I dug, the more it became clear that big cities do not necessarily equal the theme of  “all noise, all of the time.”  From cozy neighborhood coffee shops to the full experience of an extended silent retreat, I found there existed a full menu of options.

Four years later, I am finding that I still enjoy spending time in my discovered places of quiet.  I look forward to sharing a few of them, but continue to realize there are many that I have yet to try out.

  • For starters, getting lost in a really good book in a place where I don’t know a single soul is admittedly one of my favorite guilty pleasures. Maybe it’s the lack of being distracted by the “urgent and immediate” that makes it so alluring. I am not sure if I could really narrow down the exact reason why I find it so enticing.  I do know, however, that I won’t have to look very far the next time I have a few free hours, as I will likely be venturing out to some of the places listed here, “Cozy Places to Read a Book“.  When this article came across my Facebook feed a few months ago, I knew it would be a perfect addition to this blog.
  • The combination of exercise and nature brings about a serious spirit of reflection for me as well, especially if I am in a quiet place. It is most often these places where I am able to hear what I need to with clarity.  Check out The Active Person’s Quest for Quiet if you can relate.
  • If you are in a season where an extended retreat is an option, or where it may need to be, I can attest that these, Spiritual and Silent Retreats, are not to be missed.  During a significant transition period in my own life, I took advantage of one. I still recount the experience being incredibly rich, both in spiritual and emotional replenishment.  A second option for a spiritual retreat is this.   I have not been personally, but it is most definitely on my list.
  • Finally, if nothing shared so far suits your personality, there is always the 15 top places for quiet in Atlanta, researched by Four Square. As with any widely published recommendations, some ideas make sense, but some don’t…for me anyway.

In some strange and round about fashion, that could just be the point. We all refresh differently.

My hope is that by checking out some of these included resources, you find encouragement to get out there in your own way, however that may be, to look for solace. Ultimately, if you return a bit more rested and focused, it will have been well worth it. If you are able to prioritize the things that matter, even better.  Should you return and find yourself able to be fully connected with the people who mean the most, you will truly know that you have found something special. When that happens, trust me…you will want to return again.












Kalos Counseling, LLC. 6300 Hospital Parkway, Suite 105, Johns Creek, GA. 30097